Week beginning 30th March 2020
Hello Reception! We hope you are all safe and happy at home with your families. Your teachers miss you very much! We have been keeping busy though and are working hard to make sure you can keep learning at home. Miss Domagala has also been busy building her garden (see here!) and Mrs. Holmes has been spring cleaning and reading a lot. She has read 3 books this week! Do you think you can beat her total? And here she is reading a story for you!
Here are your challenges for this week:
Challenge 1: Literacy.
Tell an adult about our storytelling bags. What do each of these pictures mean?
Next, choose a favourite story. Can you draw a picture of the character, setting, problem and solution? Try and label your pictures too.
Challenge 2: Understanding the World.
Visit the zoo by clicking on this link! Which is your favourite animal? Write about what you have seen.
(Adults; when children of Reception age are writing they should be using what they have learnt in phonics to help them. This means that it is more important for words to be ‘phonetically plausible’ than to be spelt correctly. For example, as we have not yet learnt that i-e makes the same sound as ‘igh’, we would expect that children would write the word ‘bike’ as ‘bighck’. The exception to this is when they want to write high frequency words (known as ‘red words’). So, although ‘the’ would be phonetically written as ‘thu’, children should have come across it enough times to know how to spell it correctly.)
Challenge 3: Express Arts and Design.
Can you design and create a rainbow? Use felt tips, crayons, collaging or anything you have at hand! Perhaps you could display it in the window to make your neighbours smile?
Challenge 4: R.E.
See your first R.E. activity here.
Challenge 5: Physical Development (fine motor skills).
Practise your letter formation for the letters a-h. Here Miss Domagala shows you how!
Challenge 6: Physical Development (gross motor skills).
Join in with this yoga.
Monday 30th March
Phonics Learning
Today we are going to recap the sounds we learnt last week. See this week’s plan here and today’s accompanying PDF here.
Phonics Activity
Have a look at these pictures. Can you write labels for them? (Tip: think carefully about ALL the sounds you can hear!)
Phonics Game
Try this game! (Adults, choose ‘Phase 3 ch, sh, th, ng’)
Tuesday 31st March
Phonics Learning
Today we are going to be learning the sound ‘qu’. See this week’s plan here and today’s accompanying PDF here.
Phonics Activity
Read this story. How many times can you spot the ‘qu’ sound?
Phonics Game
Today you can watch this for some phonics fun!
Wednesday 1st April
Phonics Learning
Today we are going to be learning the sound ‘ay’. See this week’s plan here and today’s accompanying PDF here.
Phonics Activity
Read this list of ‘ay’ words. Write the real words in green and the alien words in blue.
Phonics Game
Try this game.
Thursday 2nd April
Phonics Learning
Today we are going to be learning the sound ‘ee’. See this week’s plan here and today’s accompanying PDF here.
Phonics Activity
Play this game of snap. Say the sounds that each pair of special friends make, as you are putting them down. If you see the same sound twice in a row, shout “SNAP!”. (If you don’t have a printer, you can make these cards yourself).
Phonics Game
Try this game. Watch out though – it’s a tricky one!
Friday 3rd April
Phonics Learning
Today we are concentrating on ‘red words’. (Adults, these are high frequency words that we come across often in our reading, so children need to be able to read them quickly, without having to blend them. Some of these words are ‘tricky words’, so are not phonetically regular. It can be useful to talk about what makes a word ‘tricky’ e.g. in ‘of’ the ‘f’ makes a ‘v’ sound.) See this week’s plan here and today’s PDF here.
Phonics Activity
Practise writing today’s words (‘I’, ‘the’, ‘no’, ‘go’, ‘to’, ‘into’, ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘we’, ‘me’, ‘be’ ) – without a pencil or paper! You could use a finger in some flour, water and a paintbrush on the wall outside or even use your nose in the air!
Phonics Game
Keep practising those red words with this game.