St Mary’s School Public Calendar
On this page you can view our current and upcoming events, term dates and other key calendar events, you’ll also be able to add the calendar to any software that allows ICO files.
Subscribe to our Events Calendar
If you would like to add this Google Calendar to you own calendar software please follow the steps below:
iPhone & iPad
- Open “Settings”
- Go to “Calendar” (below Mail and Contacts)
- Click on “Accounts”
- Click “Add Account”
- Click on “Other” at the bottom of the list of options
- Click on “Add Subscribed Calendar”
- Paste address into space provided – to get address click and hold the link below, and choose “Copy” from popup menu.
Hold down finger – Choose “Copy” - Click “Next”, your iPhone will verify the calendar
- Finally you will see the Subscription Page, click “Save”.
You will now see all the events added in your Calendar app, and any changes/new events should automatically be updated.
PC & Mac
- Click on the button below and follow steps in your chosen software.
- Depending on your software of choice, your browser may download the .ico file. Double click this to add events to your calendar.
Add Events to Calendar