A huge “Well Done”for your brilliant writing from Mrs Evans!

Click Mrs Shores face to hear her message!

Year 6 Home Learning Page



We just wanted to say a huge WELL DONE to everybody who is completing their work so far. We can see how hard you are all working. It has been lovely to read some of your letters, see you cooking and producing such fabulous work. We are so proud of you all.

P.S Leila, thank you for the beautiful letter. We loved having you in our class too!

There will be a new question set on the ‘Word Cloud’ today so make sure you add your thoughts.

Week Beginning: Monday 23rd March

Hello Year 6!

This week, we are working towards writing a letter imagining that we are the leader of a country that has been impacted by the Village Drill.

 You already know all about the drill and the ways it has impacted people the world. This writing is slightly different to what you have already done in school because you are pretending to be someone who leads a country or community.

If you need to remind yourself about the impact of the drill, this is the video we have watched in school.

And you can find more information about the drill on their website.

Grammar Starter: Apostrophes for Possession

Watch the video and play the quiz on this page. Your grammar activities this week will all be about apostrophes.

Main Activity:

Aim: To organise information for writing

Read the instructions in this document. You need to organise the information in the table under the right headings to help you know which information to include in each paragraph.

After you’ve done this, write a sentence of your own that uses some of the information.


Morning Class!

Start maths with your 5 a day and 4 times table activity.
Main Aim: To calculate ratio.
First read the powerpoint. Then try the starter activity which I’d like you to complete in your book!
Check your answers

Now Try the last activity – choose your level of challenge

If this is tricky and you aren’t sure go back and have a look at the powerpoint or use the answers to understand!
Bronze, Silver & Gold Answers

NOTE: Tuesday’s Maths will be available by 8.30 Tuesday Morning.

We know that you are all really keen to get going with all of the work for this week, but remember, often activities will be uploaded daily rather than weekly. Don’t worry though: it will always be there by the morning of the day it is due! (I hope this answers your question Adedoyin 🙂 From Mrs Shore and Mrs Evans 🙂

Grammar Activity:

Have a go at these activities about apostrophes. Copy them into your book if you can’t print them. You can find the answers here.

Remember this video can help.

Main lesson:

Aim: To identify grammatical features of sentences.

You have seen an activity like this before. There are lots of different areas of grammar covered on this sheet and all the sentences are written to help you with ideas for your own letter. You can open the activity here and the answers are here. Copy each activity down in your book in whatever way makes most sense to you.

Morning Class!

Start maths with your 5 a day and 8 times table activity

Aim: To use simple formulae.

First read the introduction to algebra
Have a look at the power point 
Then try the starter activity 
which I’d like you to complete in your book!
Check your answers
Now Try the last activity – choose your level of challenge
If this is tricky and you aren’t sure go back and have a look at the power point or use the answers to understand!
Bronze, Silver & Gold Answers

When you have finished try this online maths game.

Grammar Activity:

Have a go at this quiz

Watch out for number 5 and number 7: they are NOT the same!

Remember this video can help.

Main lesson:

Aim: To analyse a writer’s choices.

Here you have an example of a letter written by Mrs Evans. It is to help you know how to write your own letter over tomorrow and Friday. You have to do a few different things with it:

1) Look out for:

Multi-clause sentences

Powerful verbs

Emotive vocabulary (these are all explained in the sheet when you open it)

Copy examples of these into your book.

2) Vocabulary check. Find the meaning of the words on the sheet.

3) Magpie! Copy down words and phrases you will want to use in your own writing

Morning Starfish and Dolphins.

Well done for completing all of your tasks so far. We have loved seeing them on Drop Box!! Look out on Friday to see if you have made the Friday Shoutout list.

Start maths with your 5 a day and 12 times table activity

Aim: To use 2-step formulae.
Have a look at the power point from yesterday
Then try the starter activity which I’d like you to complete in your book!
Check your answers
Now Try the last activity – choose your level of challenge
If this is tricky and you aren’t sure go back and have a look at the power point or use the answers to understand!
Bronze, Silver & Gold Answers

Grammar Activity here. Answers here

Remember this video can help

Main lesson:

Aim: To write to express

Today you are writing your opening sentences and the first section.

This section is all about the impact the Village Drill has had on your community.

 Remember:  you are pretending that you are the leader of a county or community that has been impacted by the drill. You will need to write in the first person.

Success Criteria:

Emotive language

Powerful verbs

Multi-clause sentences

Correct use of apostrophes

Your reader should feel:

How grateful you are for the drill

How important it has been for the community

 This is the example written by Mrs Evans

Morning Class!

Start maths with your 5 a day and 3 times table activity

Aim: To find pairs of values.
Have a look at the power point

Then try the starter activity  which I’d like you to complete in your book!
Check your answers
Now Try the last activity – choose your level of challenge
If this is tricky and you aren’t sure go back and have a look at the power point or use the answers to understand!
Bronze, Silver & Gold Answers

When you have finished try this online maths game

Grammar Activity here . Answers here

Today your grammar activity is about spotting why an apostrophe is being used.

Possession: Because something belongs to someone or something

Contraction: Because two words have been shortened to become one and a letter/some letters are missing.

Remember this video can help.

Main lesson:

Aim: To write to express

Today you are writing you second section and closing sentences. The second section is all about your future hopes and wishes for the Village Drill and how it might impact other communities across the world.

 Remember:  you are pretending that you are the leader of a county or community that has been impacted by the drill. You will need to write in the first person.

Success Criteria:

Emotive language

Powerful verbs

Multi-clause sentences

Correct use of apostrophes

Your reader should feel:

How grateful you are for the drill

How important it has been for the community

 This is the example written by Mrs Evans.

We would love to see your work if you can upload it to the Dropbox

Morning Class! Start maths with your 5 a day and 6 times table activity

Aim: To work in a systematic way to solve a mystery.
A change from Algebra today. We all need a little bit of mystery in our lives. Follow the clues to find the culprit. Remember, read the instructions carefully and work in a systematic and organised way.
Now choose your level of challenge – Good Luck.
Level 1
Level 2
If this is tricky and you aren’t sure use the answers to check! The answers are at the bottom of the challenge.

When you have finished try this online maths game.



Week long activities

This weeks Science project work






This week we are going to begin looking at Healthy Eating. Click here to watch a video about maintaining a Balanced Diet. 

Read through the Healthy Eating powerpoint.

Now complete these tasks in your work book!!

  1. Record your diet over the week. You could record your diet in a table like this example. Can you make any changes to make it more balanced?
  2. Make a poster encouraging people to eat more healthily.
  3. Research and cook a healthy meal with your family. Make sure you take a photo and share it on Dropbox. Look out for your teachers photos coming next week too!!!

Here is a photo of my dinner tonight. Freshly made spaghetti bolognaise. (Sorry about the undecorated dinging room photo!!)


This week we are looking at homophones. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same (to varying extent) as another word but differs in meaning. A homophone may also differ in spelling.
Click here to watch a video about homophones.
Look at the ‘Guess the Homophone’ PowerPoint. Which is the correct spelling?
Find the Homophone Activity Sheet. You may like to write these sentences in your work book. Why not add a drawing to your sentences to help you remember!


Write a letter to your teachers and send it to school!!. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Week Beginning: Monday 30th March



Morning Class!

Start maths with your 5 a day and 7 and times table activity

Aim: To find pairs of values.
Have a look at the power point to remind you about algebra –
Then try the starter activity which I’d like you to complete in your book!
Check your answers

Now Try the last activity – choose your level of challenge
If this is tricky and you aren’t sure go back and have a look at the PowerPoint or use the answers to understand!
Bronze, Silver & Gold Answers

When you have finished try this online maths game.


Morning Class! Start maths with your 5 a day and times table activity

Aim: To solve problems involving algebra.
Try the starter activity (just do the first 5 questions (answers are at the bottom of the page)-
Now work through the questions – which I’d like you to complete in your book!
Check your answers
When you have finished try this online maths game.

Morning Class! Start maths with your 5 a day and times table activity 
Aim: To Solve problems involving algebra.
Try the starter activity (just complete the first 10 – answers are at the bottom of the page)

Now choose your activity which I’d like you to complete in your book!
Level 1
Level 2 (some of these are quite tricky but a good challenge) –
If you aren’t sure, just have a go and then use the answers / calculation methods shown to help your understanding!
Check your answers –
Level 1 Answers
Level 2 Answers

When you have finished try this online maths game.

Morning Class!

Start maths with your 5 a day and times table activity
Aim: To calculate the mean of numbers or data.
First read the power point
Then try the starter activity – choose your task:
Task A
Task B
Task C
which I’d like you to complete in your book!
Check your answers –

Now Try the last activity – choose your level of challenge
If this is tricky and you aren’t sure go back and have a look at the power point or use the answers to understand!
Bronze, Silver & Gold Answers

When you have finished try this online maths game.

Morning Class!

Start maths with your 5 a day
and 7 and 11 times table activity
Aim: To work in a systematic way to solve logic problems.
Today you have two different problem solving activities. Choose the one you would like to do (you can do both if you want to). Make sure you read all of the clues carefully. In one of the tasks, you have to read it carefully to find out what you have to do.
Use you book to do any working out.
Task 1 – Victorian Events
Task 2 – Birthday Tea
Check your answers

When you have finished try this online maths game.


Week long activities

This weeks Science project work






Find your RE work here