Week Beginning: 23.03.20
Weekly Spellings: Adding –est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word :coldest longest oldest smallest safest fastest kindest slowest largest latest.
Weekly Science: In science we have been looking at materials. Watch the clip. Make a list of all the different materials you can see. Now look around your house can you find any of your listed materials?
Weekly Project: Our big question is: ‘What makes a house a home?’. Find something in your home that is special to you. Either draw or take a photo of it and write a sentence to tell us why.
Monday: 23.03.20
English:In English we have been looking at suffixes. Complete the table using ‘er’ and ‘est’.Choose 5 words from the chart and write a sentence for each word.
English game: Have a go at this game.
Maths: Hello Year 1. Please start your Maths with your five-a-day
At school we have been starting to learn about measuring weight and volume. Please can you complete the questions measuring the weight of each object.
Please write answers into your blue Maths book, making sure that you number the question to match the sheet (e.g. 1a, 1b etc.).
Here is a challenge if you want to push on your learning further.
Please copy the true statement into your books and then answer the second question with a sentence written into your books.
Well done everybody, you are doing a great job!
Answers to Maths questions
Please have a go at the Happy Camel game to practise your measuring of heavy and light objects. Help them solve the problem!
Tuesday: 24.03.2020
English: An adjective is a describing. It is a word that tells you more about a noun. You were very good at using adjectives to describe homes. Now have a go at describing an interesting person using the sheet to help.
English game: Have a go at playing this game
Maths: Morning Badgers and Moles! Here is your 5-a-day. You will need to write the number bond sentences into your Maths book, filling in the gaps.
Starter: Look at the ‘Lighter or Heavier’ PowerPoint and see how many of the lighter/heavier questions you can get right. Answers to be found here
Please find two objects from around the house and write down which is heavy and which is light – the stranger the better! Take a picture of them and share it with us on Dropbox, we would love to see what you can find! If you have kitchen scales at home, have a go at measuring some things that you can find – please ask a grown-up to help you with this. We often measure objects with a unit called grams (written as g). The higher the number of grams, the heavier the object.
Once you have done this, please complete the reasoning question, writing the answer into your book. The answer is on the following page. If you are stuck, ask a grown-up to help you or use the answer to help you.
Here is a challenge for you on measuring mass. Please answer in full sentences into your book. The answers can be found here
Maths game: We have recently been learning about measuring objects, and using the words longest, shortest, tallest, biggest and smallest. Can you have a go at the game and identify the objects and animals using these words?
Wednesday: 25.03.2020
English: We are developing our inference skills so complete the comprehension sheet – Jack’s Beetle.
English activity: Practice your phonics by playing eye spy.
Maths: Well done for all of your hard work so far Year 1! A huge thank you to all the adults/older siblings at home helping too!
Here is your five-a-day for today, which is comparing numbers using the <, > and = signs. Remember that the greedy crocodiles always eat the biggest number. The answers are at the bottom of the sheet.
Today we will be moving on to comparing the mass of objects – exploring a bit more about lighter and heavier. You will need to use the words light/heavy and lighter/heavier to describe objects, as well as equal. Remember that equal is another way of saying that things are the same – so two objects that weigh the same would be called equal.
Please have a go at the ‘Compare mass’ worksheet. When answering the questions in your book, you can draw the objects and/or write their name to show me your answer. The answers are available here but please excuse Miss Hughes’s handwriting as she had to write it with her laptop mouse pad!
Here is a little challenge to push you on further if you would like to complete it. The answers are underneath.
Thursday 26.03.2020
English: Today write set of instructions ‘How to wash your hands’. Try to include time connectives such as first, next, after that etc.
Challenge: Can you include bossy verbs too?
English game: Here is a game for you to play.
Maths: Morning Year 1!
Your 5-a-day this morning is all about one more and one less. I know you are good at this, so I am looking forward to seeing how you get on!
Continuing our work on comparing mass and weight, please have a go at the following questions, putting the objects in order from heaviest to lightest. The objects have each been weighed in non-standard units of measurement, such as cubes, pencils and counters instead of standard units like grams. The bigger the number of units that an object weighs, the heavier it is. This means that something that weighs 3 cubes is heavier than something that weighs 1 cube, and something that weighs 6 pencils is lighter than something that weighs 7 pencils. The answers to the questions can be found on the second page. Please don’t forget to send us your work on Dropbox, we would love to see it!
For those of you who would like a challenge, here it is for today! The answers are underneath.
Maths game: Have a go at the Coconut Ordering game – choosing the ‘Mass’ part of the game then measuring in grams. Choose between ‘Up to 10g’ or ‘Up to 20g’ depending on the level of challenge you would like.
Friday 27.03.2020
English: Get an adult to test you on your spellings. Put each word into a sentence. E.g. It is the coldest day of the year.
English game: Today’s game is here.
Maths: Year 1 you are doing a fantastic job, you have made it to Friday!
Your 5-a-day today is spotting the odd number out. This is quite a tricky one to do but think about your tens and ones when trying to decide which number doesn’t match the others.
Today we will be starting to look at Capacity. Capacity tells us how much of a liquid a container can hold. We measure liquids by talking about their volume. Have a go at filling up a cup with water. If the water goes up to the top, we call this full. This is when the capacity is equal to the volume. If there is no water in the cup at all, we call it empty. The capacity of the container always stays the same, but when the container is empty, the volume is zero.
See if you can have a go at filling up a cup so that it is half full/half empty! Half empty and half full mean the same thing. Can you pour in some water to the container so that it is less than half full but not empty? How about putting liquid in it so that the volume is less than full but greater than half full? Please take pictures of your measurements and upload to Dropbox so that we can see your experiments! It is important to make sure that you only use one size of container – either the same one or lots of cups that are the same size. This is because it is much more difficult to compare the volume of liquid in containers that are different sizes.
When you have had a go at measuring in your own container, have a go at these questions on capacity. The answers can be found on the second page.
If you would still like to do a bit more – here is an ‘Always, Sometimes, Never’ challenge for you! The answers are underneath. Please write answers into your blue books.
Maths game: For something a bit different on a Friday – let’s go back to our learning about shapes from earlier in Year 1. See if you can continue the shape patterns on the train carriages. There are three different levels to choose from, so choose one to challenge yourself. Bonus points if you can name all of the shapes while you do this!