Thank you very much for all your support and donations!
Year Six are doing something AMAZING!
A message from Year Six:
Raising money to send a drill to a village in Sudan.
If you’ve watched the video, you’ll know that Year Six learnt about the hardships and adversity faced by children all over the world who have to walk miles every day to collect water. The water is dangerous, the journey is exhausting and the task prevents them from going to school and securing a better future.
After reaching out to the makers of the Village Drill, a manually operated drill which has changed hundreds of thousands of lives all over the world, we were invited to take part in a fundraising project they are running at the moment. A doctor, working in Liverpool, is currently raising money to send a drill to the village he is from in Sudan and we are supporting him and the charity to do this. The drill will allow them to dig down to clean water, which will save lives and ensure the children living there can attend school.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for your support!