French Home-Learning

Wow Alek!  We love your lock down pop song!

If you’d like to access all of Aleksandar’s videos, visit his YouTube Channel:

La Bastille

La fin de la monarchie absolue.

The end of absolute royal rule.

Learn about French independence.

Tu entends les sons?

Do you hear the sounds?

Learn French and how we hear sounds!

Ma routine

My routine

This video is all about a daily routine.

Lire l’heure

Read the time!

This video is all about telling the time.

Mon Cocktail de fuits arc-en-ciel

My fruit cocktail – rainbow.

This video is about making a layered cocktail, and it allows for us to revise colours and to learn a few names of fruits.

La famille Royale Britannique.

The British Royal family.

Bonjour.  This week you can learn all about families…

Les régimes alimentaire: carnivore – herbivore – omnivore. 

What do different animals eat?

Salut mes amis! Use the video to explore which animals eat what.  Join in with Aleksandar and practice his sentences.

Comment faire un arc-en-ciel? Les couleurs en français.

How can you make a Rainbow?  The colours in French.

Bonjour! Use the video to see how Aleksandar made a rainbow – inspired by Science Fortnight.  He will also teach you the colours!

Je salue et je me présente en français.

I greet people and I introduce myself in french.

Salut! Use the videos below to practice salutations in French with our friend in Year 4 – Aleksandar.

Here, you can meet some of Aleksandar’s friends and practice introducing yourself.

Here, you can practice and watch some more conversations in french.